Landslide on Tennessee Highway 70N Kills Man
Geologic Hazards

Motorist Killed by Landslide in Tennessee

A Tennesee man was killed after his vehicle encountered a landslide and his truck rolled 200 feet down an embankment slope.  The landslide occurred around 2am on February 21st, 2019 on Highway 70N in Hawkins […]

Earthquake-induced landslide in Japan in April 2016
Geologic Hazards

New Research on Earthquake Induced Landslides

Some new research on the Newmark Displacement Method for earthquake-induced landslides indicates that the method may be on the unconservative side.  The Landslide Blog provides a short summary of the paper by  Li et al. (2018) that was recently […]

Route 30 Landslide near Pittsburgh, PA - April 2018
Geologic Hazards

Landslide on Route 30 in East Pittsburgh

A section of Route 30 in East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania has been destroyed by a landslide, and the road could remain closed for several months.  An apartment building down-slope has also been destroyed, although all residents were […]