VBA and Excel for Engineers and Scientists – Part 3


Excel spreadsheets with and without VBA code have been a mainstay of my geotechnical engineering practice. When I started GeoPrac, I wanted to share some of my experience with VBA with other engineers and scientists. And in case you’re wondering, I don’t get any kickbacks from Redmond!

In Parts 1 and 2 of this series I introduced GeoPrac readers to the VBA interface and the basics of the language. In this third and final article on Excel and VBA for Scientists and Engineers, I showed you one of the most important concepts in Excel VBA programming, the Range object. We utilized the Range objects to perform a simple implementation of a Monte Carlo Simulation. Then as an added bonus, I introduced you to the FileSystemObject for manipulating files and folders and the TextStream object for reading, writing and appending of text files. I hope you’ve found these tutorials useful. Feel free to leave a comment with how you’ve been able to use Excel and VBA in your practice.