Available Resources

Video: Fun with Falling Rocks

Thank you to my old colleague at URS Corporation, Andy Messer for sending me a link to these videos. The are from an Austrian company, Trumer Schutzbauten, that provides products and research related to rockfall fences. The first video is presumably to show the hazards of camping next to hazardous rock slopes…good fun! Click through for the videos.




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Introduction Below are search results from Twitter for a selection of geotechnical engineering and engineering geology related keywords and phrases. I try to filter out job posting and recruiter tweets because I feel there are […]

Geologic Hazards

CA Licensed Professionals Needed in Evacuation Areas

A call for volunteers has been made on behalf of Governor Schwarzenegger by way of the California Department of Consumer Affairs website as reported by AEG. They are looking for professionals registered by the California Boards of Geology and Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors as well as a number of other boards. Read on for the full announcement. 


Project Related

London Crossrail Project – Will Be Largest Civil Project in Europe

According to ENR, the U.K. government has approved the 7-year, $32-billion London Crossrail Project which will reportedly be Europe’s biggest civil engineering project. It will include 41.5-km of tunnels 6-m in diameter laid out in pairs. The tunnels will pass underneath London and connect surface networks on either side of the city. Link after the break. (Photo by tkosaka)


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Project Related

Indonesia to Build Monumental Suspension Bridge in Ring of Fire

Indonesia is planning to build what will be the World’s longest suspension bridge to link up its two main islands of Java and Sumatra. The total length will over 30-km with a (max?) height of 70-m so ships can pass underneath. The catch is that the bridge will be located on the Pacific Ring of Fire, the boundary between the Asian and Australian tectonic plates and one of the most seismically and volcanically active areas in the world. There have been several recent earthquakes greater than magnitude 7, not to mention the earthquake that caused the 2004 tsunami. The bridge will be built to withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake. Oh, and in case the seismic concerns weren’t great enough, the bridge will pass within 50-km of the volcano Krakatoa. The estimated cost of the bridge is $12 billion ($AU?). Credit to Geology.com for the story.


Available Resources

New NCHRP Report – Drainage and Pavement Performance

A new publication has been released on the Transportation Research Board website. It is National Highway Cooperative Research Program (NCHRP) publication Number 583, Effects of Subsurface Drainage on Pavement Performance. From the foreword of the document:

"This report evaluates the effects of subsurface drainage features on pavement performancethrough a program of inspection and testing of the subsurface drainage features present in the Long-Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) SPS-1 and SPS-2 field sections. The report will be of particular interest to engineers in the public and private sectors with responsibility for the design, construction, and rehabilitation of highway pavements."
