- Landslide detector wins enterprise award – Source: TheEngineer.co.uk
- Bad economy unlikely to translate to a cheaper tunnel – Source: Seattle PI via ASCE SmartBrief
- New Publication Maps More Than 22,000 Landslides in Utah – Source: Utah Geological Survey
- $100,000 for liquefaction study – Source: Stuff.co.nz
- Santa Clara Water District Estimates up to $100 million in Seismic Remediation Needed for Seismic Stability of Anderson Dam – Source: MorganHillTimes.com via Association of State Dam Safety Officials
- An Amazing Landslide Video from Manaus in Brazil – Source: Landslide Blog
This is some remarkable footage of what appears to be a quick clay type slide, similar to the one in St. Jude, Quebec last May. It took out a bunch of shipping containers and Dr. Dave notes that there are two unconfirmed fatalities. - Langan Acquires Treadwell & Rollo – Source: PRNewswire
- Highway 18 wall’s completion brings traffic relief and landslide protection – Source: Federal Way Mirror
- Gannett Fleming-GEI Consultants JV selected for USACE contract for independent external peer reviews – Source: CE News
- The Rush of Amazon Geology, and Stingrays – Source: NYTimes.com
- Washington Governor Hints That Seattle’s Tunnel Will Proceed – Source: ENR: Engineering News Record
- Virginia ‘mega park’ gets $500k for environmental, geotechnical and utility engineering – Source: GoDanRiver.com
The 3,700-acre Berry Hill mega park is getting most of it’s funding from the states tobacco commission. In separate requests, another $2M has been sought by Pittsylvania County for other environmental and Water infrastructure engineering tasks. - Landslide causes heavy damage to historic Pompei – Source: Blast Magazine
- RealEstate Business Intelligence Leverages Digital Map Products’ Mapping Technology to Create Powerful Real Estate Analytics Tools – Source: Digital Map Products
Optimization of geomembrane anchor trench design for solar evaporation ponds – Source: Geosynthetics Magazine
Ponds with exposed geomembranes on their sideslopes are susceptible to wind forces, which must be resisted by properly designed anchorages at the slope crest. The most common anchorage is an earth-filled anchor trench. This article describes improved methods used to optimize the anchor trench design to conserve material and minimize earthwork for a V-shaped anchor trench.
- Finland’s nuclear waste bunker built to last 100,000 years – Source: CNN.com via Ontario-geofish
- The Langan/Treadwell & Rollo Partnership – Source: blog.treadwellrollo.com
- Black & Veatch to Design $244 Million Rock Tunnel in Cincinnati – Source: TBM Magazine
The project is part of an overall Cincinatti area project designed to reduce combined sewer outfalls and sanitary sewer overflows during storm events. This project alone is expected to reduce CSO’s by 85% and eliminate sanitary overflows. - Shotcrete Equipment 101 – Source: TBM Magazine
Yet another interesting article from TBM Magazine’s October 2010 edition.