A 2004 paper by J.P. Giroud and Jie Han provides a practical design method for geosynthetic-reinforced unpaved roads. The method outlined in the paper was very detailed, and the authors wanted to provide a summary for the benefit of practitioners who wish to use the method. Additionally, some equations in the paper are generic and some have been calibrated for specific geosynthetics (the Tensar BX1100 and BX1200 biaxial geogrids, with new work by another author applying to Tensar’s Triax geogrid) and some practitioners were not clear on this matter. Finally, the authors stress the need for calibration of the method when using other geosynthetics. These three issues were addressed by a 2-part series in Geosynthetics Magazine by Giroud and Han. You can read the first part and the second part at GeosyntheticsMagazine.com. [Image from Geosynthetics Magazine]