You can claim that I’m biased because gINT is a sponsor of GeoPrac.net. But long before GeoPrac, I was a gINT user. I’ve been a fan and power user of the software for over 10 years, and I am genuinely excited about the improvements and new features being added to gINT as it becomes more integrated into the Bentley civil engineering software packages.
Bentley has created a new geotechnical playlist on their Civil Channel on You-tube. The first four videos all have to do with the integration of gINT and Geo Web Publisher, a web-based GIS platform. I think the synergy between these two programs is tremendous, and allows for some truly unique opportunities to utilize the geotechnical data and geoenvironmental data that is contained in your gINT project files and to visualize it in the context of an entire site. Clients and project stake-holders can keep tabs on the progress of a large field investigation, viewing the most up to date logs and fences (cross-sections) in a format that is integrated with information from other engineering disciplines, all while keeping control of the data with the right people. Data can be queried in a graphical interface, right from the browser and processed internally, or exported into any number of formats. The potential for collaboration, particularly on large projects, is tremendous. Make sure you subscribe to the Bentley Geotechnical Playlist and check out the videos to see all of the cool features and possibilities.
In other Bentley/gINT news, Bentley announced recently that they have added complimentary on-demand gINT eSeminars to their website. In addition to the gINT and Geo Web Publisher offerings mentioned above, other topics include:
- Introducing gINT Solutions
- gINT and Google Earth
- gINT Overview
- 3D Visualization of gINT Subsurface Data in MicroStation