Earth Mechanics Inc. was Lead Geotechnical Engineer on Devil’s Slide Project
I only recently came across a project bio on the website of Earth Mechanics Inc. (EMI) that describes their role as the lead geotechnical engineer for the project. I’ve mentioned geotechnical features in earlier blog posts, but I never saw any reference to EMI or provided them with any credit. Here is a paragraph from their project bio:
Devil’s Slide Tunnels are twin bores in rock, approximately 4,000 ft portal-to-portal, constructed along US Route 1 near Pacifica, California. Earth Mechanics was the lead geotechnical engineer to provide geologic/geotechnical interpretation and design recommendations for the tunnels, portals, soil nail walls and on-site spoil disposal.
EMI carried out a major site investigation program consisting of detailed geologic mapping, aerial photographing, rock borings, and trenching. In addition, pressuremeter testing, seismic velocity logging, video imaging, and hydraulic packer testing were conducted in the boreholes. EMI developed seismic loading criteria for the project by conducting seismic hazard analyses and developing earthquake time histories for design of the tunnels and portals. Various loading mechanisms on the tunnel support systems were examined including geo-static loading, seismic induced distortion of the support system, and key block loading.
Various Devil’s Slide Blog Entries (Newer First)
- Devil’s Slide Tunnel video from a renegade bicyclist
- Devil’s Slide tunnels delayed
- Devil’s Slide excavation completed for both tunnels
- Devil’s Slide Breakthrough Video and Links
- Devil’s Slide bypass project set for tunnel breakthrough on Friday
- Flickr: kxyoung’s stuff tagged with devilsslide
- Devil’s Slide Tunnel Update and First Attempts to Tame the Landslide
- Devil’s Slide Repair and Tunnel Bypass Presentation – This is an overview of a great presentation I saw by Grant Wilcox of Caltrans giving some of the history of the problems of that stretch of Highway 1.
- Lasers, Software and the Devil’s Slide
- Devil’s Slide Tunnel, Project Updates and Geotechnical Info
- Devil’s Slide Tunnel Construction Kicks Off