Redi-Rock has released a free software product for the analysis of gravity retaining walls.
Source: Redi-Rock Wall Freeware – Retaining Wall Analysis Software for Gravity Walls
Redi-Rock has released a free software product for the analysis of gravity retaining walls.
Source: Redi-Rock Wall Freeware – Retaining Wall Analysis Software for Gravity Walls
[Disclosure] NCS Consultants is the employer (day job) of Randy Post, the owner of this site. [/Disclosure]
Geotechnical engineers who encounter MSE retaining walls or Mechanically Stabilzed Earth Walls are undoubtedly familiar with the FHWA NHI manual on “Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes”. This manual, along with the NCMA manual that is used for non-transportation projects, is virtually the bible for MSE wall design. In late summer/early fall of 2009, a revised version of this manual will hit the streets. Read on for more details.
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