The geotechnical software suite, GEO5, has been recently updated with a host of new features. As always, you can download a 30-day demo version without any analysis limitations from Fine Software. Some of the new features include:
- Stratigraphy – Now able to import geological maps and site investigation data from a variety of sources including imagery from OpenStreetMaps and Google Maps
- Stratigraphy – Allows defining the points of interest for further exploration.
- Gravity Wall – Introduction of anchors
- Sheeting Check – Vertical bearing capacity
- Slope Stability – Calculation according to DIN 1054
- Slope Stability – Different soil parameters below GWT
- Slope Stability – Different soil parameters on the slip surface segment
- FEM – Animation of results (Earthquake, Consolidation, Transient water flow)
- All programs – Field test visualization in the output reports
- Earth Pressures – Increased active earth pressure
- Anti-Slide Pile – Design of lagging
- Stratigraphy – XLSX and XML universal export/ import
- Stratigraphy – New set of templates
- All programs – Import of blocks from CAD files
- Field test programs – Import of *.GRU format for CPT tests
Check out more about GEO5! You can check out a video of the new features in Stratigraphy below.
[Editor] Fine spol. s r.o. is a sponsor of GeoPrac.net [/Editor]