Today was the first day of Geo-Extreme 2021 conference in Savannah Georgia sponsored by the Geo-Institute. If you aren’t attending, you can still tune in to the livestream of a few of the keynote lectures. See the lineup below, and visit the conference livestream page for information on how to register for free to get the livestream link.
Tuesday, November 9
8:00 am – 9:30 am EST
USACE R&D Tackling the Climate Crisis
David Pittman, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC)
Updating the Site-Specific PMP and PMF for the Coosa & Tallapoosa River Basin Hydro Projects Using Modern Techniques
Richard L. Mickwee, Southern Company Generation
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm EST
Geo-Engineering, Reversing the Resilience Divide
William Craig Fugate, the former administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
EDS Reconnaissance Trips: Edenville and Sanford Dam Failures
Daniel Pradel, Ohio State University, and Dimitrios Zekos, University of California, Berkeley
Wednesday, November 10
8:00 am – 9:30 am EST
Delivering Science for Extreme Events: The USGS Role Before, During, and After Disaster Strikes
Dave Applegate, USGS
Spatial Inequalities in Disaster Risk
Susan Cutter, University of South Carolina