Historic Brewery Restored With Help of Geopolymer
Turning a 119 year old brewhouse into a four-star boutique hotel is no easy task. For the project to be a success, the structure had to literally be raised from it’s grave.
Pearl Brewery operated from 1883 until 2001 in their downtown San Antonio, Texas location. It was once the largest brewery in Texas, and even kept afloat during the Prohibition era. Today the 22- acre Pearl site grounds has become a culinary gathering place where you can eat, live, learn, and play on the banks of the San Antonio River.
Renovating the original building would be no easy task for the developer. The building had settled approximately 5 inches. URETEK ICR successfully used their patented URETEK Method® to lift and stabilize the foundation with geopolymer.
[Editor] Read on for the rest of the contributed article from Ty Taylor of GeoPrac.net sponsor, URETEK ICR [/Editor]