Geotubes to protect Grand Isle Louisiana
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Video: Sand Filled Geotextile Tubes To Protect Grand Isle Louisiana

Geotubes to protect Grand Isle Louisiana In this video, a US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) project to protect Grand Isle Louisiana from the erosional effects of a large storm surge is described. 5.7 miles of sand filled geotextile tubes or geotubes 30-ft in diameter are used to form the core of a dune along with a geotextile erosion apron held in place by anchor tubes. The design is aimed to prevent devastating erosion in the event that a large storm surge overtops the protective dunes. The sand is screened on site and mixed with water to form a slurry that is pumped into the tube. Once the tubes are in place, additional sand will be placed over the top and the dune revegetated. If the topping sand is eroded away, the Corps hopes the fix will be easier to perform with the tubes. Click through for the video.


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Press Releases

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District to Implement Dataforensics PLog Enterprise for Geotechnical Data Management

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Norcross, GA, July 6, 2009 – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New Orleans District (USACE – NO) has issued a contract to Dataforensics, a leader in geotechnical data management software development and implementation, for its PLog Enterprise software.  The contract not only includes deployment of the PLog Enterprise system but expanding its capabilities to work with Oracle databases and with ArcSDE technology. [Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release. [/Editor]


Katrina levee failure with Chinook Helicopter attmpting to fill the breach
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Possible Seepage at Newly Constructed New Orleans Levee

Katrina levee failure with Chinook Helicopter attmpting to fill the breachWet spots have been detected along a portion of a new levee being constructed by a US Army Corps of Engineers Contractor. The levee is approximately 95% complete, but the Levee Board wants to establish what is causing the apparent seepage before accepting the levee. More after the break. (Photo of Katrina levee failure from greenmannowar)


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Geologic Hazards

New Orleans Repeats Deadly Levee Blunders

That is the title of a Seattle Post-Intelligencer article on post-Katrina levee issues in New Orleans (by way of ASCE Smart Brief). I think the article is somewhat sensationalized, but they do cite some interesting parallels between the levee reconstruction efforts made after Katrina and the levee construction/reconstruction that occurred after Hurricane Betsy in 1965.

The article also discusses a recent US Army audit with some disturbing although not unexpected findings:

An initial September 2010 target to complete the $14.8 billion in post-Katrina work has slipped to mid-2011. Then last September, an Army audit found 84 percent of work behind schedule because of engineering complexities, environmental provisos and real estate transactions. The report added that costs would likely soar.

A more recent analysis shows the start of 84 of 156 projects was delayed – 15 of them by six months or more. Meanwhile, a critical analysis of what it would take to build even stronger protection – 500-year-type levees – was supposed to be done last December but remains unfinished.


Geologic Hazards

New Orleans Levees Need to be Raised 11-ft

The US Army Corps of Engineers has issued a report that indicates the eastern portion of the levee system that protects Bernard Parrish will need to be raised by 11-ft to 29-ft to protect against the 100-year hurricane. Levees along Lake Pontchartrain were designed in the 1960s for what was then considered to be 200-yr and 300-yr hurricanes. Now they are judged sufficient for the 100-yr event. More at NOLA.COM.


Press Releases

Corps releases Center Hill Dam Consensus Report

WASHINGTON–The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) today released the Center Hill Dam Consensus Report, an external independent peer review that validates the USACE high-risk classification of the dam and the interim risk reduction measures currently in effect.

This is the second peer review report on a high-risk USACE dam, and it provides important input regarding current USACE efforts to investigate, monitor and modify Center Hill Dam. [Editor] (Photo by drainhook) [/Editor]


Press Releases

New Costs for New Orleans 100-Year Hurrican Protection

Corps Releases New Risk Maps for the New Orleans Area;
Powell Releases New Costs for 100-Year Hurricane Protection

Administration to work with Congress for additional drainage measures beyond 100-year commitment

NEW ORLEANS (August 22, 2007) – Federal Coordinator for Gulf Coast Rebuilding Donald E. Powell and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Director of Civil Works Maj. General Don T. Riley today detailed the improved hurricane protection that will be provided to New Orleans area residents once the city’s levees are built to the 100-year level. In addition, Powell announced $6.3 billion of further funding needed for improved protection for the New Orleans area and the Administration’s plan to secure necessary funds to complete the work by 2011.

[Editor] Photo by greenmannowar [/Editor]


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Press Releases

USACE Blasts Time Magazine Article

USACE responds to TIME magazine’s August 13, 2007, cover story, "The Threatening Storm"

WASHINGTON (August 13, 2007) – TIME magazine’s August 13, 2007, cover story, "The Threatening Storm," contains many errors and misrepresentations of facts with respect to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Hurricane Katrina, and ongoing efforts to improve hurricane and storm damage reduction for southeast Louisiana.
