New Orleans Repeats Deadly Levee Blunders
Wet spots have been detected along a portion of a new levee being constructed by a US Army Corps of Engineers Contractor. The levee is approximately 95% complete, but the Levee Board wants to establish what is causing the apparent seepage before accepting the levee. More after the break. (Photo of Katrina levee failure from greenmannowar)
WASHINGTON–The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) today released the Center Hill Dam Consensus Report, an external independent peer review that validates the USACE high-risk classification of the dam and the interim risk reduction measures currently in effect.
This is the second peer review report on a high-risk USACE dam, and it provides important input regarding current USACE efforts to investigate, monitor and modify Center Hill Dam. [Editor] (Photo by drainhook) [/Editor]
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