Geologic Hazards

Assessment of Volcanic Hazard in Yellowstone

[Update 5/10/07] A small swarm of  earthquakes measuring up to 2.7 on the Richter Scale was recorded in the Yellowstone area on  Wed. May 2, 2007 [/Update]

The USGS has released an Open File Report (OFR) entitled Preliminary Assessment of Volcanic and Hydrothermal Hazards in Yellowstone National Park and Vicinity. Possible future violent events in the active hydrothermal, magmatic, and tectonic system of Yellowstone National Park pose potential hazards to park visitors and infrastructure. Most of the national park and vicinity are sparsely populated, but significant numbers of people as well as park resources could nevertheless be at risk from these hazards. Read on for the link.


Press Releases

Hayward Baker Completes Ambitious Landslide Repair Project on U.S. Highway 61 in Mississippi

Hayward Baker, Inc., announces the completion of an ambitious landslide repair project for the Mississippi Department of Transportation. The work was conducted along a stretch of U.S. Highway 61, one of the nation’s landmark roads that extends from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico.


Available Resources

New Publications from Transportation Research Board

Two new publications have been released from the Transportation Research Board. Pavement Management; Monitoring, Evaluation, and Data Storage; and Accelerated Testing 2006 and Geotechnical Challenges of the Interstate Highway System: The First 50 Years and […]

Geologic Hazards

Europe’s Nuclear Waste Connundrum

The German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources on Wednesday released a report indicating that a large chunk of northern Germany, and a bit of the south as well, is geologically suitable for the indefinite storage of highly radioactive nuclear waste. Read more for details.


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Geologic Hazards

Drillers target earthquake zone

Drillers and researchers are attempting to drill up to 7km into an active earthquake zone off the coast of Japan. The  Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone is at a subduction zone boundary and is thought to […]

Geologic Hazards

Volcano Erupts in Colombia

NEIVA, Colombia — Thousands of people were evacuated after a long-dormant volcano erupted provoking avalanches and floods that swept away houses and bridges. The Nevado del Huila volcano’s eruptions were its first on record since […]

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LRFD for Geotech – Note 1 is very pleased to present this article on Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) for Bridge Substructure Design by Naresh C. Samtani, PE, PhD. This will hopefully be the first in a series of technical notes by Naresh on this topic. He is the lead instructor for the Ryan R. Berg and Associates, Inc. team of instructors for the LRFD Course for design of substructures offered through the FHWA’s National Highway Institute (NHI).


Available Resources

New FHWA Publication: Design and Construction of Continuous Flight Auger Piles (GEC No. 8)

[Update October 24, 2007] And only about 6 months later, the FHWA has finally posted it on their website [/Update]

There is a new FHWA (Federal Highway Administration) Geotechnical Engineering Circular (GEC) publication. GEC Number 8 is titled "Design and Construction of Continuous Flight Auger Piles". Read on for more info and a link to download. (Photo from GEC No. 8)
