Twitter and Widgets

My apologies to anyone in the past two months who tried to download my sample Excel spreadsheet that went along with the article " VBA and Excel for Engineers and Scientists – Part 2". I didn’t notice that there was a problem with the download until a new member emailed me about it (thanks Chris). I believe that it’s working now, if not be sure to email me! By the way, I’ve been out in the field since last week, sorry for the sparse posts.
Download the GeoPrac-VBA2-Examples.xls Spreadsheet (Excel 97-2003 format, but works with 2007 also)
Happy New Year to everyone! Most blogs this time of year publish a list of their most popular content from throughout the year. I thought it would be nice to do the same hear on GeoPrac. So, without further adieu…
7 years ago today, I wrote my first post for GeoPrac.net! It’s hard to believe I’ve been doing this for that long. I am grateful for all of the visitors, twitter followers, supporters, and of course sponsors that have made it possible for me to share high-quality news and articles for geoprofessionals. I look forward to another great 7 years.
Last year I highlighted a few of my favorite articles and blog posts. This year, I thought I would just go by the numbers to see what the most popular articles and posts have been over the years. Check it out.
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Copyright © 2007-2020 by Randy Post
I ma going to follow your lead again and try widgets and Twitter myself. I have added a GeoPrac widget to the DBA blog. Thanks for inspiring me!
Great, thanks for using the widget! And I’m always happy to give you ideas Robert! See you on Twitter (make sure you check out [url]http://twitterfeed.com[/url]) –Randy
Thanks for the twitterfeed link. I was wondering how you did that!!