The Pakyong Airport in Himalayan state of Sikkim in North East India was selected as the 2012 International Project of the Year by Ground Engineering Magazine, a geotechnical engineering trade publication associated with the UK’s New Civil Engineer organization. The highlight of the challenging Rup2560 M (£31M, US$48M) project is a series of geogrid reinforced slopes up to 74 m (243 feet) high. Maccaferri’s Terramesh, Green Terramesh and Paralink soil reinforcement products were used extensively on the project. Mott Macdonald India was the main designer, and Punj Lloyd of Dehli was the contractor. Maccaferri Environmental Solutions Pvt Ltd was the division of Maccaferri responsible for the reinforced soil works. [Source: geosynthetica.net. Image: Geosynthetica]