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Press Releases

Italian Court Action Likely to Harm Efforts to Mitigate Earthquake Losses

On 22 October, 2012, an Italian court convicted six internationally respected scientists of manslaughter. The scientists Enzo Boschi, Giulio Selvaggi, Franco Barberi, Claudio Eva, Mauro Dolce, and Gian Michele Calvi have been sentenced to prison terms, barred from public office, and ordered to pay court costs and damages.

Their offense could have been avoided by precisely predicting the timing and nature of the tragic 2009 earthquake in L’Aquila. However, such precise, short-term earthquake prediction of the type evidently sought by L’Aquila is currently impossible. Because of the ungainly complexity of earthquake systems, knowledge of physical details is incomplete; the diverse expressions of earthquake processes deliver contradictory messages; and measurements of earthquake phenomena can be inaccurate. Glaringly, the indictment accused the scientists of having provided “incomplete”, “contradictory”, and “inaccurate” information.

[Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release from the GSA. [/Editor]


FEMA Report: Summary of Existing Guidelines for Hydrologic Safety of Dams
Standards and Codes

New FEMA Document on Hydrologic Dam Safety

FEMA has recently released a new document titled “Summary of Existing Guidelines for Hydrologic Safety of Dams”.  I was pleased to hear about this report from one of it’s co-authors, Amanda Hess of Gannett Fleming.  […]

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTM
Available Resources

ASTM Updates for September 2012

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTMGeotechnical engineers, geotechnical lab managers, CQA service managers and others utilize ASTM standards on a daily basis.  Here at, we monitor the periodic updates from ASTM and summarize changes to relevant standards that may be of interest to geoprofessionals.  Click through for a list of revised and reapproved standards from September of 2012.
