What would you ask Karl Terzaghi if you could talk to him? Maybe how he came up with his famous effective stress principles? What did he think of Ralph Peck? Duck Face or Kissy Face? Well, obviously you can’t ask him any of those things unless you possess some serious necromancy abilities. But an AI superprompt can give you a limited version of Karl (or other famous people) to chat with.
Enrique Farfan, PhD, PE of HDR has been writing a series of AI articles for the GeoProfessional Business Association (GBA). His most recent article is entitled Role-Play Your Way: How to Talk with Terzaghi. He provides some guidance on how to write a superprompt to speak with Terzaghi or anyone else. His entire series is very good as well. If you find yourself falling behind and really don’t understand what the hype is about with AI or what a large language model (LLM) is, these articles are a great place to start as they are tailored for our industry. I haven’t found the web page for his last article (Article 5), but if you start with this page for Article 4, it includes links to all the earlier ones.