The October-November 2009 issue of Geosynthetics Magazine has a special section titled “Focus on History” with some special content on the history of geosynthetics. (Photo of late 1970’s geocell testing for the US Army Corps, from GeosyntheticsMagazine.com)
Several of the articles within this special section are:
- A young engineer, molasses, and failed sand drains – by Bob Koerner
- Silver Anniversary: The Tanque Verde Retaining Walls – by Ryan Berg and Ronald Anderson. These walls were the first geosynthetic reinforced MSE retaining walls in the US…and they are right in my backyard in Tucson.
- Geosynthetics: Recalling the days of yore – A collection of excerpts various founding fathers in the industry pulled from a variety of sources.
- Geocells: The early days with the Army Corps