Geotechnical News Magazine Seeks Software and Systems Articles

I received an email from Saeed Otufat-Shamsi of NovoTech Software (Disclosure: NovoTech is a GeoPrac Sponsor). He is involved with Geotechnical News magazine in Canada ( and asked me to post the following anouncement:

I am happy to announce that Geotechnical News is going to add a specific section for computing in geotechnical engineering on its quarterly magazine starting March 2010. We encourage short papers that can help geo-scientists and geo-engineers in their practice. We would like to receive papers from practitioners about case studies and real life projects utilizing software programs in geo-technical practices. The categories are included but not limited to: Soil Mechanics, Geotechnical Investigation, Foundations, Lateral Earth Support Structures, Slope Stability, Geosynthetics, and other related articles. Please send your abstract, paper or contribution to me as an email attachment in MS Word, to .

1 Comment

  1. Randy,

    Thanks for posting this. I will get in touch with Saeed to discuss this further.

    People may also be interested the 1st International Conference on Information Technology in Geo-Engineering which is being held in China in September next year. I have nothing to do with this conference but got an email on it last week.

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