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Press Releases

Dataforensics Welcomes EarthScience Information Systems Pty Ltd in Australia as new Technology Partner and distributor

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Norcross, GA, March 30, 2010 – Dataforensics, maker of geotechnical data management software, and EarthScience Information Systems, developer of the environmental data management software program ESdat, are pleased to announce a technology partnership. Additionally, EarthScience Information Systems has been granted rights to represent Dataforensics’ data management software applications in Australia. [Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release from GeoPrac sponsor Dataforensics. [/Editor]


American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTM
Standards and Codes

ASTM Updates March 2010

American Society of Testing Materials Logo - ASTMDeformability and strength of weak rocks using in situ UCS test, fluvial sediment terminology, concrete and concrete aggregate terminology and nondestructive testing terminology are among the ASTM Standards revised this month. There are also some reapprovals that are noteworthy, including chain of custody procedures and some asbestos and peat related standards.


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Weekend CUP

Weekend CUP March 29, 2010

Howard Hanson Dam (Tacoma, Washington area): Peering into a leaky problem – The News Tribune In 2009, the Howard Hanson Dam was holding back water from a record storm. During that time, the US Army […]

Dataforensics, Inc. Logo
Press Releases

Dataforensics releases PLog v6 and PLog Environmental

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Norcross, GA, March 25, 2010 – Dataforensics, a leader in data management software development and implementation, has released PLog version 6 and PLog Environmental. PLog v6 builds on the success and power of previous editions of PLog. PLog Environmental maintains all capabilities of PLog and adds on powerful modules to enable field personnel to record environmental testing and monitoring data as well as record information required to develop a chain of custody of form. [Editor] Click through for the rest of the press release. [/Editor]


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Weekend CUP

Weekend CUP March 22, 2010

Compressed air storage of renewable energy – Arizona Geology Parsons Brinckerhoff marks 125th anniversary – CE News Tunnel bids for Crossrail – New Civil Engineer Open to the public for the first time in 145 […]

Selection of Spread Footings on Soils to Support Highway Bridge Structures
Available Resources

New FHWA Manual on Spread Footings for Highway Structures

Selection of Spread Footings on Soils to Support Highway Bridge Structures Hot on the heals of the revised MSE Wall Manual, the FHWA has released another manual, this one on Spread Footings. Selection of Spread Footings on Soils to Support Highway Bridge Structures was authored by Naresh C. Samtani, PE, PhD, Edward A Nowatzki, PE, PhD and Dennis R. Mertz, PE, PhD. So what is this manual all about? I think the foreword by Scott Anderson, PE, PhD of the FHWA Resource Center says it best:


Design of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes
Available Resources

New FHWA Mechanically Stabilized Earth Retaining Wall (MSE Wall) Manual

Design of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes The much anticipated LRFD update to the MSE Wall and Reinforced Soil Slope Manual is now available for download from the FHWA’s website. The full title of the document is Design of Mechanically Stabilized Earth Walls and Reinforced Soil Slopes and it was authored by Ryan R. Berg, P.E.; Barry R. Christopher, Ph.D., P.E. and Naresh C. Samtani, Ph.D., P.E. Find the abstract and download link below. As time permits, I’ll try to post more about some of the changes in this important geotechnical publication.


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Weekend CUP

Weekend CUP March 15, 2010

Death toll in NW China landslide rises to 23 – China Daily Italian Team Repairing Collapsed Head-Race Tunnel at Ethiopian Dam – ENR: Engineering News Record OSHA Cites Company Following Trench Fatality – KPVI NEWS […]