GroundProve releases new SSR-FX in-pit radar
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GroundProbe Releases New In Pit Radar

GroundProbe has released a new slope stability monitoring radar for use in pit. The SSR-FX is designed to aid in increasing safety and productivity in mines. According to GroundProbe CEO John Beevers: “The SSR-FX is […]

Drilling Rock Star, Jeff Hart
Project Related

The Drillers, Rigs, Rock and Hart of the Chile Mine Rescue

Drilling Rock Star, Jeff Hart As 33 trapped miners waited more than 2,000-ft underground for their rescue, a whole team of Chilean government officials, mining engineers, equipment manufacturers and of course drillers came together get the job done.  Jeff Hart, a driller from Denver, Colorado was one of the stars of the day.  Hart was in Afghanistan drilling deep water wells when he got the call and hopped on a plane.  He works for Kansas-based Layne Christensen, and along with 3 other Layne employees, he manned the Schramm T130 drill rig that was part of “Plan B” that eventually became the shaft from which the trapped miners were rescued.

matt_sttafell_jorge_herreraOn the drilling platform overseeing the drilling was James Stefanic of Layne, and crew members Matt Staffel, Doug Reeves and Jorge Herrera.  The rig and I presume some of the support equipment was owned by Layne’s Latin America affiliate, Geotec Boyles Bros, SA.  The drill bits were from Center Rock, Inc. of Berlin, Pennsylvania.  The Center Rock CEO, Brandon Fisher, was on site throughout the operation as well.

Read on for more info, photos, video and links on the drilling, drillers and geology of the Chile Mine rescue.


Geologic Hazards

Eruption of Tainted Water Could Innundate Leadville, Colorado

Local Leadville, Colorado officials are very concerned about a backup of heavy metal impregnated water that is backing up behind a 2.1 mile partially collapsed drainage tunnel. The volume of water is approximately 1 billion gallons or enough to fill 1,500 Oympic-sized swimming pools.Officials are very concerned about the potential for a catastrophic collapse. Source: CNN. (Photo by foto3116)


Geologic Hazards

Famed Hole In Danger of Collapse

How ironic. Just last night I posted photos and descriptions of 7 Amazing Holes I received as an email forward from a colleague. Today one of them is in the news. The "Big Hole" in Kimberley, South Africa is making city officials nervous. Apparently some new cracks have formed in the pit walls or somewhere, and officials have decided to shut down traffic on Bultfontein Road that passes within 18-m of the pit. Read on for Google Map and more details. (Photo by No One Nels)



7 Amazing Holes

A colleague of mine (thanks Jamie!) sent me an email with this intriguing title. I have no idea where it originated, but it is an interesting compilation of some amazing photos and short descriptions of various natural and man-made "holes". A few sinkholes, glory holes, and of course open pit mines. By the way I didn’t write (or edit) this, just some minor formatting updates. Check it out. 
