Here are a couple of links to some recent news on the Haiti Earthquake.
- Haiti’s geology points to big quakes –
- Haiti Quake Similar to Loma Prieta ’89 – KGO AM 810 Newstalk Radio, San Francisco
- Haiti Earthquake – video of the liquefaction damage to the main dockyard in Port-au-Prince – Dave’s Landslide Blog
- Assessing the Damage in Haiti – Map –
Maps showing the location of the strike-slip fault along the plate boundary relative to the City of Port-Au-Prince. Also shows locations of maximum damage, temporary shelters and road blockages apparently based on analysis of recent GeoEye satellite imagery. Thanks Pancho!
- Haiti Earthquake Response – US Military Drone Images Available – Slashgeo
- UT Engineer to Lead Team Mapping Haiti Destruction – The University of Texas at Austin
‘To develop safer, future engineering design procedures, the seven-person team will spend an intensive week documenting the effects of the Magnitude 7.0 earthquake. Their efforts are sponsored by the Geo-engineering Extreme Events Reconnaissance (GEER) Association which is supported by the National Science Foundation.’