- Eco-friendly transit station a failure, officials say – Source: ASCE SmartBrief
- The CAD App – Source: Constructech magazine via AGC SmartBrief
A company in my neck of the woods, Scottsdale, Arizona, has a software package that converts CAD drawings to super high-resolution images using Microsoft’s Deep Zoom images platform (I’m imagining tiles of varying resolution to speed up downloading). The technology is available to create viewers for a variety of platforms. Microsoft’s free Seadragon iPhone app is one such platform that already exists. I’m sure its just a matter of time until you see a variety of eDocs technologies for the construction industry, or rather for them to start becoming more mainstream. - Geologist caught in mudslide he predicted – Source: The Times of India via USGS Landslide Events
- Google Testing an Airborne Camera Drone – Source: Slashgeo
- Scores killed in India floods – Source: Al Jazeera English
- Landslides raise death toll in Pakistan – Source: Telegraph via USGS Landslide Events
- B.C. landslide may be over, but debris expected to wreak more havoc – Source: The Globe and Mail
- Oregon tiptoes into warm-mix asphalt – Source: Daily Journal of Commerce via ASCE SmartBrief
- More disasters or just more declarations? – Source: Arizona Geology
- Images of the Meager Creek landslide in Canada – Source: Dave’s Landslide Blog
- NASA Images Show Continuing Mexico Quake Deformation – Source: NASA via Arizona Geology
- GSA Today: Geological mapping goes 3-D in response to societal needs – Source: State Geologists
- The Decade Volcanoes – Source: Google Earth Blog
- Green geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls – Source: Geosynthetics Magazine
- Geo-Frontiers 2011 update – Source: Geosynthetics Magazine
- Tensar Puts Fast Track Store in Full Swing for Ryder Cup – Source: geosynthetica.net
- Building peace from the ground up – Source: Geosynthetics Magazine
- Spotting sinkholes before they start – Source: WBIR.com
- NASA Compiling Landslide Database to Improve Disaster Response – Source: Circle of Blue
- Lasers help identify potential landslides – Source: Daily Journal of Commerce
- Flooding risk remains near site of B.C. landslide – Source: CTV British Columbia
- Geotechnical expertise saves time and money between Dublin and Kildare – Source: Rail-News.com
- Point Clouds And 3d Modeling For The Masses – Source: ENR: Engineering News Record
- GMA pushes on for coal ash containment liners – Source: Geosynthetics Magazine
Geosynthetics featured during U.S. House hearing. - Workshop on Engineered Barrier Performance Related to Low-Level Radioactive Waste, Decommissioning, and Uranium Mill Tailings Facilities – Source: Geosynthetics Magazine
George Koerner reports on the The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s Offices of Nuclear Regulatory Research (RES) and the Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs (FSME) event held on Aug. 3-5, 2010, in Rockville, Md. - Another slow tremor beneath Olympic Peninsula – Source: Seattle Times Newspaper via Ontario-geofish
So-called “tremor-and-slip” events have occurred about every 15 months since they were first detected in 2002. The latest was found early Sunday north of Olympia and west of Tacoma, and is expected to travel north under the peninsula toward Vancouver Island. UW scientists say it can’t be felt at the surface, but over the course of several weeks can release as much energy as a magnitude 6 earthquake.
- Haiti Earthquake Blamed on New Fault – Source: LiveScience via Christian Geology
Up until recently, the massive January 12th earthquake in Haiti was attributed to the Enriquillo fault, but recent studies have concluded that the picture is more complex, and the earthquake actually occurred on a previously unmapped fault.