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The goal of this blog is to be a useful resourse for geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists in their practice. I hope that through the commenting system, readers of GeoPrac.net can build off of the […]
The goal of this blog is to be a useful resourse for geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists in their practice. I hope that through the commenting system, readers of GeoPrac.net can build off of the […]
[Update 2009-01-12] The deadline for this contest has been extended to 11:59PM CST on January 31, 2009. Get your comments in to win the Space Navigator! [/Update]
Announcing the first of what I hope will be many giveaway contests at GeoPrac.net! The first prize up for grabs is the Space Navigator from 3D Connexicion. Use it to fly through 3D worlds such as Google Earth, Microsoft Virtual Earth, increase productivity in AutoDesk apps or just use it to play Second Life! How can you win? Leave a comment with a valid email address on any GeoNews blog post or Article…even old ones. See full rules and more info on the Space navigator after the break.
Stormwater Pollution Prevention regulations require the use of best management practices (BMPs) for any project involving site disturbance of over an acre. Usually for geotechnical drilling and well drilling, the sites are much smaller, so […]
This month there are a number of changes to standards relating to masonry units, bricks, dimension stone, etc. There are also some changes to a few standards related to asphalt paving, and groundwater testing. ASTM D6453 – Standard Guide for Format of Computerized Exchange of Soil and Rock Test Data was withdrawn. Read on for the full list.
I came across an interesting case study involving the installation of several vibrating wire crack monitors and data collection equipment at the 1st century B.C. to 1st century A.D., Roman built galleries beneath Lisbon, Portugal. […]
Back in March of 2008 there was a landslide that closed SR 87 in between Phoenix, Arizona and Payson. It’s been of great interest to me since it is in my state and affected a highway. I was hoping my firm (NCS Consultants, LLC) might be asked to work on the remediation through our on-call contract but it didn’t happen. Its probably for the best, it sounds like it’s been a troublesome geotechnical engineering problem. Fast forward to last week, and the slide area was in the news again because the slope is still moving and apparently causing some additional deformation of the roadway. (Photo by ADOT)
I had heard about this a while ago through our ADOT contacts, but I make it a policy not to take advantage of my contacts through my day job for GeoPrac.net content (not without permission anyway). So I didn’t want to blog about it until it hit the mainstream media. Last week, the Arizona State Geologist blogged about the SR 87 slide moving again, as did Ken through his AEG Arizona Section blog. It was even covered on one of my favorite blogs, Dave’s Landslide Blog. I finally have a chance to wade through these blog posts and some of the reports and videos to present a summary of the situation, available information and offer my own perspective. (More after the break)
Researchers have used ground penetrating radar in addition to hours of painstaking research to identify the graves of 139 US Marines killed on the South Pacific atoll of Tarawa. The Battle of Tarawa was a […]
Dr. Dave has posted links to a few scary landslide videos from the recent heavy rains affecting the Santa Catarina province of Brazil. This latest one shows an ambulance being swept off a road by a “small” landslide. The ease with which the vehicle is moved is quite impressive. It didn’t appear that anyone was injured in this particular landslide but I’m sure there might have been some underwear changing involved. Elsewhere in the region people have not been so lucky and there is a heavy death toll. Click through for two videos.
Norcross, Georgia, December 1, 2008 – Dataforensics, maker of geotechnical field data collection and analysis software, and Vertek, the manufacturing division of Applied Research Associates, Inc., known for the Vertek and Hogentogler brands of Cone Penetration Testing equipment, are pleased to announce a collaborative software initiative for CPT geotechnical reports.
[Editor] Read on for the rest of the press release. [/Editor] […]
GeoPrac.net giveaways: official rules No purchase required to enter or win Eligibility: GeoParc.net Giveaways (the “Giveaways”) are open only to individuals who are legal residents of the fifty (50) United States (including the District of […]
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